Friday, October 1, 2010

Always things to share...

We are a sharing community of people who for the most part go out of their ways to assist when someone is in need. That can be the sharing of a hug, a smile, a dollar or two for a latte' or even going that extra mile to give deeper from the heart or the pocket. N.H. was one of our clients this past week who needed some sharing. Major car repairs have hit the family hard these past few months and they've become behind in their bills. One car is two months behind in payments and ready to be reposessed. The family has been struggling due to medical issues Mom has endured to include surgery and chemo. Life has been difficult but they continue to share a positive attitude. One need we were able to support was in the are of furnishings. With no toddler beds or furnishings for their 3 year old twin boys, when N.H. heard we had beds and other furnishings she was thrilled. Their two vehicles drove away with 2 toddler beds, a dresser, 2 night stands, 2 TV's and a lighted ceiling fan to fill a home which had gone without for their two young boys. Operation Homefront could not have shared with this family had our community not shared with us. It is through the generous donations of cash and furnishings that our chapter can help...can share...and can bring a smile to the face of someone who needs one...To learn more about how you can help please visit our website at or email .

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